Submitted by sciaba on
IPv6 Compliance
Are the logs IPv6 compliant?

Tested the following (all of which work) :

1. SetupProject - setting up the LHCb environment for generic LHCb projects

2. Setting up DIRAC environment and connecting to DIRAC services

2.1 Getting list and location of replicas for LFNs

2.2 Pinging DIRAC services at a CERN machine and the LHCb VO-box at GridKa to test if the services respond. This ping uses the dip protocol to connect to the services

Note: Supplier is LHCb + Dirac consortium (diracgrid.org)

Next on dual-stack machine : test generic job submission using Ganga

DIRAC not ipv6 compliant by default. The standard installation listens only on ipv4 ports.

It is not difficult to make it bind to ipv6 ports, but there are some niggling authentication issues that need to be sorted out.

Name of Supplier and/or Developer
Does developer claim IPv6 compliance?
Did you try running on dual stack system?
If so, did it break the application?
Does it bind to both stacks?
Can it be configured to prefer IPv6 or IPv4?
Name of Tester
Raja Nandakumar
Used by Experiment